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GROOVE TUBE GT-67 Condenser Mic 콘덴서 마이크

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    Groove Tube
GROOVE TUBE GT-67 Condenser Mic 콘덴서 마이크
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3 미크론「극박」다이아프램과 GT「독자」의 기술인 리조네이타디스크를 배치한 GT시리즈(GT55/66/57/67) 라지·캅셀. 최고의 파츠와 초고수준 어셈블리-기술과의 결정체, 「세계 최고」의 기술로 만들어 냅니다.




레조네이타디스크를 배치한 캅셀을 가지는「GT66(앞/진공관 모델)」과 그 FET 모델「GT55」의 내부 사진. 고역이 충실히 표현되며 , 보컬, 어쿼스틱·기타에서 특히 최고의 퍼포먼스를 발휘합니다.










Groove Tube 사의 튜브 마이크 입니다.



The GT-67 uses the same capsule as the GT-57, but amplifies signal with the help of a miniature Pentode instead of a Field Effect Transistor. Like all of the GT microphones, the 67 is transformer coupled. The 67 has a number of selectable polar patterns which makes it an extremely versatile microphone. On the back of the 67 you will find Cardioid, Super-Cardioid, Bi-directional (figure 8) and Omni. Switching polar patterns also changes the frequency response of the mic, and this gives a number of different timbral options while recording. You will also find a (–10dB) pad switch and a 75Hz roll off filter on the front of the mic.

The 67 comes in a “flip-top” box with a rather heavy power supply, a nice shockmount and a multi-pin XLR cable that connects to the power supply. Tube mics require their own power supply since tubes due top the need for more than 48 volts to power the plate. Condenser mics also need power that is dedicated to power the diaphragm.

I mainly used the 67 to record male vocals and clean to moderately distorted guitar amps. On male vocals, I fell in love with this mic and ended up using it a number of times. With this vocalist, the 67 actually beat out a number of other well-known microphones. This mic maintains amazing detail throughout its frequency response yet had enough highs to cut through dense mixes, without sounding harsh or muddy in the low-mids as is common in many large diaphragm tube mics. I also got great results with the 67 on a Vox AC30. It gave a lot more detail than the dynamic mics we tried and also captured small amounts of the room we recording in. Capturing the room, in this case, gave the guitar a more natural sound than you normally get by placing a microphone 2” away from the speaker. The 67 also had great detail while recording a mono drum overhead and a drum room.

The 67 is a great microphone for male vocals and I would not hesitate to use it with any female vocalists. When matched with a good pre-amp the 67 shines. Returning this microphone to M Audio was a rather painful experience. I am planning on picking one up for my next recording session!


- 배송비 : 기본배송료는 2,500원 입니다. (도서,산간,오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다)  50,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 본 상품의 평균 배송일은 0일입니다.(입금 확인 후) 설치 상품의 경우 다소 늦어질수 있습니다.[배송예정일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과는 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.]

- 본 상품의 배송 가능일은 0일 입니다. 배송 가능일이란 본 상품을 주문 하신 고객님들께 상품 배송이 가능한 기간을 의미합니다. (단, 연휴 및 공휴일은 기간 계산시 제외하며 현금 주문일 경우 입금일 기준 입니다.)

교환 및 반품안내

- 상품 택(tag)제거 또는 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.

- 저단가 상품, 일부 특가 상품은 고객 변심에 의한 교환, 반품은 고객께서 배송비를 부담하셔야 합니다(제품의 하자,배송오류는 제외)

- 일부 상품은 신모델 출시, 부품가격 변동 등 제조사 사정으로 가격이 변동될 수 있습니다.

- 신발의 경우, 실외에서 착화하였거나 사용흔적이 있는 경우에는 교환/반품 기간내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능 합니다.

- 수제화 중 개별 주문제작상품(굽높이,발볼,사이즈 변경)의 경우에는 제작완료, 인수 후에는 교환/반품기간내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능 합니다. 

- 수입,명품 제품의 경우, 제품 및 본 상품의 박스 훼손, 분실 등으로 인한 상품 가치 훼손 시 교환 및 반품이 불가능 하오니, 양해 바랍니다.

- 일부 특가 상품의 경우, 인수 후에는 제품 하자나 오배송의 경우를 제외한 고객님의 단순변심에 의한 교환, 반품이 불가능할 수 있사오니, 각 상품의 상품상세정보를 꼭 참조하십시오. 


- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내 입니다.


- 소비자분쟁해결 기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 피해를 보상받을 수 있습니다.

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GROOVE TUBE GT-67 Condenser Mic 콘덴서 마이크

GROOVE TUBE GT-67 Condenser Mic 콘덴서 마이크
GROOVE TUBE GT-67 Condenser Mic 콘덴서 마이크

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